Reading an image-Media codes



Camera work/Photographic: the producer decided to place fifty cent facing the camera as it creates some standoffish atmosphere. This may be done to show how in the past fifty cent could have been standoffish.
Lighting: Fifty cent is placed in a position where the audience can only see his face and his scars on his shoulder. This may be done to create an image that he is proud of himself.
Editing: The producer has edited finger prints in the background of the writing 'I am what I am'. This may be done to show how even though fifty cent has been in jail through out his life, Reebok is still open to sponsor fifty cent.

Written or verbal codes:

Written or verbal codes involve the words selected for the media product and what they communicate
Language/words: All the letters 'o' are filled in. There are 8 coloured 'o' and fifty cent was shot 8 times. Furthermore the font used for the phrase 'I am what I am' is similar to a graffiti font. This may be done to emphasise how Reebok is for everyone and anyone can wear/rep their brand.

Symbolic or non-verbal codes:

Mise-en-scene: In the scene, fifty cent is wearing a chain and a ear ring. 
Body language/ facial reactions: Fifty cent is facing the camera and looking deeply into the camera to create a kind-of  one to one, proud and fearless environment. Fifty cents shoulder has a scar. The lighting was shone on it to maybe suggests that Reebok is available to anyone. Further emphasising that anyone can wear/rep their brand. 
 Colour code: The colour code for this add is black and white however there are some parts where the audience can clearly see that fifty cent is wearing camo attire 
Typographic codes (e.g. font/typography):   The font is like a graffiti font. This is suitable for fifty cent because fifty cent grew up rebellious and usually people who graffiti are rebellious   

Narrative codes: 
Roland Barthes suggests narratives are driven by specific codes. The two most common narrative codes he discusses are:
Enigma codes: something that creates a question the audience want to see answered.
Why has reebok sponsored such a person with that background?
What does this mean to reeboks future?
Action codes: something that promises drama.
The scars on fifty cents face.
The mysterious darkness in the picture.


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